stilizirana Slovenija


Revija za terensko biologijo • Journal of Field Biology

Natura Sloveniae se seli! Spoštovani obiskovalci in bralci. Najnovejša številka revije - 25(1), prva številka v letu 2023 - je bila objavljena na portalu Založbe Univerze v Ljubljani, na naslovu, ki bo odslej dom Natura Sloveniae. Prosimo, posodobite svoje zaznamke in povezave. Ta strežnik bo čez čas ugasnjen, zato nameravamo v bližnji prihodnosti preseliti tja tudi stare številke revije in vso preostalo vsebino. Hvala za razumevanje.

Natura Sloveniae is moving! Dear visitors and readers. The new issue of this journal - 25(1), the first issue of 2023 - has been published on the University of Ljubljana Press Journals portal, at, which will house Natura Sloveniae from now on. Please update your shortcuts and links. This server will be shut down eventually and all the back issues and other content will be transferred there as well soon. Thank you for understanding.

Letnik 3 • Volume 3

Številka 1 • Issue 1

Popis netopirjev v okolici Turjaka. (SL) A survey of the bat fauna in the vicinity of Turjak (South Central Slovenia).
Natura Sloveniae 3(1): 5-18
Izvleček • Abstract | PDF Celoten članek • Full text

Izvleček. V članku so predstavljeni rezultati popisa netopirjev, napravljenega v okolici Turjaka med julijem 1999 in januarjem 2001. S pregledi prebivališč, lova z mrežo in predvsem z ultrazvočnim detektorjem je bilo na raziskovanem obmocju odkritih najmanj 15 netopirskih vrst. Najpogosteje zaznana vrsta je bila Pipistrellus pipistrellus, odkrite pa so bile v Sloveniji redko opažene vrste - Rhinolophus euryale, Myotis natterreri, Myotis emarginatus, Pipistrellus pygmaeus in Nyctalus leisleri. Varstveno so pomembne najdbe porodniških kolonij vrste Rhinolophus hipposideros.

Ključne besede: Chiroptera, razširjenost, Turjak, Dolenjska, Slovenija

Abstract. A survey of the bat fauna in the vicinity of Turjak (south central Slovenia) - Results of the survey carried out in the vicinity of Turjak (Dolenjska, Slovenia) between July 1999 and January 2001 are presented in the article. At least fifteen species were recorded with the monitoring of potential roost sites, mist netting and the use of heterodyning bat detectors. Pipistrellus pipistrellus was most commonly observed species. Species not frequently found in Slovenia - Rhinolophus euryale, Myotis natterreri, Myotis emarginatus, Pipistrellus pygmaeus and Nyctalus leisleri - were also detected. Findings of Rhinolophus hipposideros nursery roosts are of particular conservation concern.

Key words: Chiroptera, distributional records, Turjak, Slovenia

Naravovarstveno vrednotenje Radenskega polja pri Grosupljem na podlagi inventarizacije favne dnevnih metuljev (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). (SL) Nature conservation value of Radensko polje near Grosuplje based on the inventory of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera).
Natura Sloveniae 3(1): 19-31
Izvleček • Abstract | PDF Celoten članek • Full text

Izvleček. Radensko polje je eno večjih območij ekstenzivno rabljenih vlažnih travnikov v osrednji Sloveniji. V letu 2000 sva opravila naravovarstveno vrednotenje širšega območja Radenskega polja na podlagi favne dnevnih metuljev. Naravovarstveno so gotovo najpomembnejše velike populacije vrst Maculinea alcon, Euphydryas aurinia in Pyrgus armoricanus, medtem ko se zelo ogrožena vrsta Carcharodus flocciferus pojavlja bolj lokalno v severnem delu polja. Na podlagi ugotovljenega števila vrst in razširjenosti ogroženih vrst predlagava dve območji varstva dnevnih metuljev na nivoju naravnih rezervatov, za celotno Radensko polje pa razglasitev za širše zavarovano območje kot krajinski park.

Ključne besede: Radensko polje, dnevni metulji (Rhopalocera), razširjenost, ogroženost, varstvo narave

Abstract. Nature conservation value of Radensko polje near Grosuplje based on the Inventory of Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) - Radensko polje is one of the largest areas of extensively used wet meadows in central Slovenia. In 2000, we surveyed the nature conservation value of this area based on distribution of the butterfly fauna. The presence of strong populations of Maculinea alcon, Euphydryas aurinia and Pyrgus armoricanus pointed out a very high conservation value of the surveyed area. Equally important is the presence of locally distributed and highly threatened Carcharodus flocciferus in the northern part of the polje. In view of the evaluation of the endangered species distribution and the number of species recorded at the sites we propose two districts to be given the status of nature reserves, while the entire Radensko polje should be protected as a landscape park.

Key words: Radensko polje, butterflies (Rhopalocera), distribution, threat status, nature conservation

Andreja ŠKVARČ
Prispevek k poznavanju razširjenosti dnevnih metuljev (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) na Notranjskem. (SL) A contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of diurnal butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) in the Notranjska region.
Natura Sloveniae 3(1): 33-41
Izvleček • Abstract | PDF Celoten članek • Full text

Izvleček. Prispevek zajema terenske podatke o vrstah dnevnih metuljev, najdenih med Mladinskim raziskovalnim taborom Stari trg pri Ložu 2000. V casu med 15. in 23.6.2000 je bilo na obmocju Loškega in Babnega polja, okolice Cerkniškega jezera ter Bloške planote na 22 lokalitetah popisanih 48 vrst dnevnih metuljev iz 6 družin. Med najdenimi vrstami je 1 v Dodatku II Bernske konvencije, 2 v Rdeči knjigi metuljev Evrope, 3 v Atlasu ogroženih vrst dnevnih metuljev Slovenije ter 7 vrst na Rdečem seznamu ogroženih metuljev (Macrolepidoptera) v Sloveniji (dinarska regija). Zanimivi so podatki za vrsto Lycaena alciphron, ki so prvi objavljeni podatki za to vrsto na raziskovanem območju, ter podatki o široki razširjenosti vrste Lopinga achine, ki je v evropskem merilu ranljiva vrsta.

Ključne besede: Rhopalocera, razširjenost, ogroženost, Notranjska

Abstract. A contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of diurnal butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) in the Notranjska region - Field data on diurnal butterfly species collected during the Youth Reasearch Camp Stari trg pri Ložu 2000 are presented. During 15 th and 23 rd June 2000, 48 species of diurnal butterflies from 6 families were recorded at 22 localities in the area of Loško and Babno poljes, the surroundings of Cerkniško jezero and on Bloška planota. Among the observed species, one is included in the Anex II of the Bern Convention, 2 in the Red Data Book of European Butterfiles, 3 in the Atlas of Endangered Diurnal Butterflies of Slovenia, and 7 on the Red List of Endangered Butterflies (Macrolepidoptera) in Slovenia (Dinaric region). Data for Lycaena alciphron in the reasearch area is published for the first time. The wide distribution of Lopinga achine, a vulnerable species in Europe, is of great conservation value.

Key words: Rhopalocera, distribution, threat status, Notranjska region

Valerija BABIJ, Nejc JOGAN
Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda - novoodkrita vrsta jetrenjaka v flori Slovenije. (SL) Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda - newly discovered liverwort species in the Slovenian flora.
Natura Sloveniae 3(1): 43-48
Izvleček • Abstract | PDF Celoten članek • Full text

Izvleček. V opuščeni gramoznici zahodno od zaselka Mali Bakovci v Prekmurju je bil prvič na obmocju Slovenije odkrit plavajoči jetrenjak Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda. Avtorja obravnavata novoodkrito vrsto, njeno rastišče in razpravljata o njenem naravovarstvenem vidiku.

Ključne besede: Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda, Slovenija

Abstract. In the derelict gravel pit west of the village of Mali Bakovci in Prekmurje (NE Slovenia), Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda, a floating liverwort species has been discovered for the first time in the territory of Slovenia. The authors deals with its occurrence and habitat from the nature conservation point of view.

Key words: Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda, Slovenia

Številka 2 • Issue 2

Floristika na raziskovalnih taborih študentov biologije. (SL) Floristics within the Student Biology Research Camps.
Natura Sloveniae 3(2): 5-19
Izvleček • Abstract | PDF Celoten članek • Full text

Izvleček. Članek predstavlja sumarni pregled rezultatov delovanja florističnih skupin na prvih 10 raziskovalnih taborih študentov biologije, organiziranih v Sloveniji (1988-1998). V uvodnem delu avtor razpravlja o pedagoških in strokovnih ciljih tovrstnega delovanja, nato je na kratko predstavljen razvoj delovnih metod na taborih, najpomembnejši rezultati pa so prikazani tabelarno s seznami pomembnih najdb in z numeričnimi rezultati kartiranja flore. Na podlagi ugotovitev so podane smernice za delo v prihodnje.

Ključne besede: študentski raziskovalni tabori, floristika, Slovenija

Abstract. Floristics within the Student Biology Research Camps - The article is a review of floristic results of the first 10 Student Biology Research Camps organized in the territory of Slovenia (1988-1998). The author's view on the botanical and pedagogic objectives of floristic activities carried out within the Research Camps is presented. Methodological development of floristic work is also briefly sketched, while the most important results are presented in a table with the most outstanding records as well as with numerical scores of the mapping of vascular plants. Plans for the floristic work in the future are based on the critical evaluation and discussion of the results presented herewith.

Key words: Student Research Camp, flora, Slovenia

Prispevek k poznavanju opraševalcev vrst Euphorbia nicaeensis All. in E. lucida W. & K. (SL) A contribution to the knowledge of Euphorbia nicaeensis All. and E. lucida W. & K. pollinators.
Natura Sloveniae 3(2): 19-31
Izvleček • Abstract | PDF Celoten članek • Full text

Izvleček. V prispevku obravnavamo sestavo obiskovalcev socvetij pri dveh vrstah mlečkov in ocenjujemo njihovo vlogo pri opraševanju teh dveh vrst. Vzorčenje opraševalcev gladkega mlečka (Euphorbia nicaeensis) je potekalo na Krasu pri Sežani, opraševalcev bleščečega mlečka (E. lucida) pa ob Cerkniškem jezeru, oboje sredi junija 2000. Podana je tudi primerjava med abundanco posameznih skupin živali (večinoma žuželk), najdenih na socvetjih obeh vrst mlečkov.

Ključne besede: opraševalci, entomogamija, Euphorbia nicaeensis, Euphorbia lucida, Slovenija

Abstract. The composition of inflorescence visitors of two Euphorbia species is presented and their role as possible pollinators is discussed. Pollinators of Euphorbia nicaeensis were studied in the Slovene Karst, near Sežana, and pollinators of E. lucida on the plants growing on the shores of the intermittent Lake Cerknica (both SW Slovenia) in the middle of June 2000. The comparison between abundance of different animals (especially insects) visiting both Euphorbias is presented.

Key words: pollinators, entomogamy, Euphorbia nicaeensis, Euphorbia lucida, Slovenia

Prispevek k poznavanju favne pajkov skakačev v Sloveniji (Araneae, Salticidae). (SL) A contribution to the knowledge of the jumping spiders fauna in Slovenia (Araneae, Salticidae).
Natura Sloveniae 3(2): 33-40
Izvleček • Abstract | PDF Celoten članek • Full text

Izvleček. Ob pregledu zoološke zbirke Oddelka za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani in materiala, nabranega v zadnjih treh letih, je bilo odkritih 21 vrst pajkov skakačev (Salticidae), ki doslej še niso bile najdene v Sloveniji. To so: Asinellus festivus (C.L. Koch, 1834), Euophrys herbigrada (Simon, 1871), Evarcha michailoviLogunov, 1992, Chalcoscirtus infimus (Simon, 1868), Heliophanus aeneus (Hahn, 1932), H. dubius C.L. Koch, 1835, H. kochii Simon, 1868, H. melinus L. Koch, 1867, H. patagiatus Thorell, 1875, H. tribulosus Simon, 1868, Icius hamatus (C.L. Koch, 1846), Marpissa pomatia (Walckenaer, 1802), Mendoza canestrinii (Ninni, 1868), Neon rayi (Simon, 1875), Pellenes nigrociliatus (Simon, 1875), Pellenes seriatus (Thorell, 1875), Pseudicius encarpatus (Walckenaer, 1802), Pseudeuophrys erratica (Walckenaer, 1826), Synagales hilarulus (C.L. Koch, 1846), Synagales venator (Lucas, 1836) in Talavera thorelli (Kluczynski, 1891). Visoko število novo odkritih vrst kaže na slabo raziskanost favne pajkov v Sloveniji.

Ključne besede: pajki, skakači, Salticidae, Slovenija

Abstract. The material from Biological Department animal collection (Biotehnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana) and the material collected and filed during recent years was revised. 21 species of jumping spiders (Salticidae) new for Slovenia were found: Asinellus festivus (C.L. Koch, 1834), Euophrys herbigrada (Simon, 1871), Evarcha michailovi Logunov, 1992, Chalcoscirtus infimus (Simon, 1868), Heliophanus aeneus (Hahn, 1932), H. dubius C.L. Koch, 1835, H. kochii Simon, 1868, H. melinus L. Koch, 1867, H. patagiatus Thorell, 1875, H. tribulosus Simon, 1868, Icius hamatus (C.L. Koch, 1846), Marpissa pomatia (Walckenaer, 1802), Mendoza canestrinii (Ninni, 1868), Neon rayi (Simon, 1875), Pellenes nigrociliatus (Simon, 1875), Pellenes seriatus (Thorell, 1875), Pseudicius encarpatus (Walckenaer, 1802), Pseudeuophrys erratica (Walckenaer, 1826), Synagales hilarulus (C.L. Koch, 1846), Synageles venator (Lucas, 1836) and Talavera thorelli (Kluczynski, 1891). The large number of new spider species for Slovenia indicates that Slovenian araneofauna is poorly known.

Key words: spiders, jumping spiders, Salticidae, Slovenia

Klemen KOSELJ, Nataša AUPIČ
Prispevek k poznavanju favne netopirjev (Mammalia: Chiroptera) vzhodne Slovenije. (SL) A contribution to the knowledge of bat fauna (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of Eastern Slovenia.
Natura Sloveniae 3(2): 41-62
Izvleček • Abstract | PDF Celoten članek • Full text

Izvleček. Predstavljene so poletne najdbe netopirjev na območju Srednjesotelskega gričevja, vzhodnih obronkov Posavskega hribovja in jame Belojače v Halozah. Najdenih je bilo 12 vrst netopirjev, od tega 3 vrste v Belojači in 11 v glavnini raziskovalnega območja. Netopirje smo popisovali v njihovih prebivališčih in na mestih, kjer se prehranjujejo. V cerkvah in gradovih je bilo najdenih 5 porodniških kolonij. 3 so pripadale malim podkovnjakom Rhinolophus hipposideros, po 1 pa poznemu Eptesicus serotinus in navadnemu netopirju Myotis myotis. Dokumentirano je izginotje slednjih dveh porodniških kolonij zaradi prenove strehe. Navedena so tudi nekatera ekološka opažanja, med katerimi je zanimivo opazovanje goža Elaphe longissima v porodniški koloniji malega podkovnjaka. Možnost plenilskega odnosa ni izključena. Na koncu so podana nekatera priporočila za varstvo netopirjev.

Ključne besede: netopirji, Chiroptera, favna, vzhodna Slovenija, porodniška kolonija, ogroženost, varstvo

Abstract. Summer records of bats in the hilly area W of the central part of the Sotla river and from Belojača Cave in Haloze are presented. 12 species were found, 3 in Belojača and 11 in the main part of the study area. Bats were observed at their roosts and feeding grounds. 5 nursery colonies were found in churches and castles. 3 belonged to the lesser horseshoe bat Rhinolophus hipposideros, 1 to the serotine Eptesicus serotinus and 1 to the greater mouse-eared bat Myotis myotis. The disappearance of the latter two nursery colonies on account of roof renovation is documented. Some ecological data are also mentioned, including an interesting observation of Aesculapian snake Elaphe longissima in the nursery of the lesser horseshoe bat. The possibility of predation can not be excluded. At the end some recommendations for bat conservation are given.

Key words: bats, Chiroptera, fauna, eastern Slovenia, nursery, threads, conservation