stilizirana Slovenija


Revija za terensko biologijo • Journal of Field Biology

Natura Sloveniae se seli! Spoštovani obiskovalci in bralci. Najnovejša številka revije - 25(1), prva številka v letu 2023 - je bila objavljena na portalu Založbe Univerze v Ljubljani, na naslovu, ki bo odslej dom Natura Sloveniae. Prosimo, posodobite svoje zaznamke in povezave. Ta strežnik bo čez čas ugasnjen, zato nameravamo v bližnji prihodnosti preseliti tja tudi stare številke revije in vso preostalo vsebino. Hvala za razumevanje.

Natura Sloveniae is moving! Dear visitors and readers. The new issue of this journal - 25(1), the first issue of 2023 - has been published on the University of Ljubljana Press Journals portal, at, which will house Natura Sloveniae from now on. Please update your shortcuts and links. This server will be shut down eventually and all the back issues and other content will be transferred there as well soon. Thank you for understanding.

Navodila avtorjem • Instructions to authors

Navodila avtorjem posodabljamo. Nova navodila bodo objavljena na novi spletni strani revije.

Instructions to authors are being changed. The new instructions will be published at the journal's new homepage.

NATURA SLOVENIAE objavlja izvirne prispevke, ki imajo za ozadje terensko delo s področja biologije in/ali prispevajo k poznavanju favne in flore osrednje in jugovzhodne Evrope. Prispevki so lahko v obliki znanstvenih člankov, kratkih vesti ali terenskih notic.

Znanstveni članek je celovit opis izvirne raziskave in vključuje teoretično ozadje tematike, območje raziskav in metode uporabljene pri delu, podrobno predstavljene rezultate in diskusijo, sklepe ter pregled literature. Dolžina naj ne presega 20 strani.
Kratka znanstvena vest je izvirni prispevek, ki ne vsebuje podrobnega teoretičnega pregleda. Njen namen je seznaniti bralca z delnimi ali preliminarnimi rezultati raziskave. Dolžina naj ne presega petih strani.
Terenska notica je krajši prispevek o zanimivih favnističnih ali florističnih opažanjih in najdbah. Dolžina naj ne presega treh strani.

Vsi prispevki bodo recenzirani. Avtorji lahko v spremnem dopisu sami predlagajo recenzente, kljub temu pa urednik lahko izbere tudi kakšnega drugega recenzenta. Recenziran članek popravi avtor oz. avtorji sami. V primeru zavrnitve se originalne materiale skupaj z obrazložitvijo glavnega urednika vrne odgovornemu avtorju.

Prispevki, objavljeni v reviji Natura Sloveniae, ne smejo biti predhodno objavljeni ali sočasno predloženi in objavljeni v drugih revijah ali kongresnih publikacijah. Avtorji se s predložitvijo prispevkov strinjajo, da ob njihovi potrditvi, ti postanejo last revije.

Prispevke lahko oddate na naslov Natura Sloveniae, Oddelek za biologijo Univerze v Ljubljani, Večna pot 111, 1111 Ljubljana, Slovenija, (telefon: (01) 423 33 88, fax: 273 390, E-mail: ).

Prispevki naj bodo napisani v programu Word for Windows, v pisavi "Times New Roman CE 12'', z levo poravnavo in 3 cm robovi na A4 formatu. Med vrsticami naj bo dvojni razmak, med odstavki pa prazna vrstica. Naslov prispevka in naslovi posameznih poglavij naj bodo natisnjeni krepko v velikosti pisave 14. Latinska imena rodov in vrst morajo biti pisana ležeče. Uredniku je potrebno prispevek oddati v primerni elektronski obliki (disketa, CD, elektronska pošta) v Rich text (.rtf) ali Word document (.doc) formatu.

Naslov prispevka (v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku) mora biti informativen, jasen in kratek. Naslovu naj sledijo celotna imena avtorjev in njihovi naslovi (vključno z naslovi elektronske pošte).

Izvleček v slovenskem jeziku mora na kratko predstaviti namen, metode, rezultate in zaključke. Dolžina izvlečka naj ne presega 200 besed za znanstveni članek oziroma 100 besed za kratko znanstveno vest. Pod izvlečkom naj bodo ključne besede, ki predstavljajo področje raziskave. Njihovo število naj ne bo večje od 10. Sledi abstract in key words v angleškem jeziku, za katere velja enako kot za izvleček in ključne besede.

Glavnina prispevka znanstvenega članka in kratke znanstvene vesti je lahko pisana v slovenskem jeziku čeprav je bolj zaželjen angleški jezik. Prispevek, ki je pisan v slovenskem jeziku mora vsebovati obširnejši angleški povzetek - summary, prispevek pisan v angleškem jeziku pa obširnejši slovenski povzetek (200-500 besed). Terenska notica je v celoti napisana v angleškem jeziku, brez izvlečka, ključnih besed in povzetka. Pri oblikovanju besedil naj se avtorji zgledujejo po zadnjih številkah revije.

Skupno število slik in tabel v prispevku naj ne bo večje od 10, njihovo mesto naj bo v članku nedvoumno označeno. Posamezne tabele z legendami naj bodo na ločenih listih. Naslovi tabel naj bodo nad njimi, naslovi slik in fotografij pa pod njimi. Naslovi in legenda slik in tabel naj bodo v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Pri navajanju slik in tabel v tekstu uporabljajte okrajšave (npr. angl: Tab. 1 ali Tabs. 1-2, Fig. 1 ali Figs. 1-2 in slo.: Tab. 1 in Sl. 1).

Navajanje literature v besedilu mora biti na ustreznem mestu. Kadar citiramo enega avtorja, pišemo Schultz (1987) ali (Schultz 1987), če sta avtorja dva (Parry & Brown 1959) in če je avtorjev več (Lubin et al. 1978). Kadar navajamo citat večih del hkrati, pišemo (Ward 1991, Pace 1992, Amman 1998). V primeru, ko citiramo več del istega avtorja objavljenih v istem letu, posamezno delo označimo s črkami (Lucas 1988a, b). Literatura naj bo urejena po abecednem redu.


  • članke iz revij citiramo:
    Schultz J.W. (1987): The origin of the spinning aparatures in spiders. Biol. Rev. 62: 123-134.
    Parry D.A., Brown R.H.J. (1959): The hydraulic mechanysm of the spider leg. J. exp. Biol. 36: 654-657.
    Lubin Y.D., Eberhard W.G., Montgomery G.G. (1978): Webs of Miagrammopes (Araneae: Araneaidae) in the neotropics. Psyche 85: 1-13.
    Lucas S. (1988a): Spiders in Brasil. Toxicon 26(2): 759-766.
    Lucas S. (1988b): Spiders and their silks. Discovery 25: 1-4.
  • knjige, poglavja iz knjig, poročila, kongresne povzetke citiramo:
    Foelix R.F. (1996): Biology of spiders, 2. edition. Harvard University Press, London, pp. 155-162.
    Nentwig W., Heimer S. (1987): Ecological aspects of spider webs. In: Nentwig W. (Ed.), Ecophysiology of Spiders. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 211 pp.
    Edmonds D.T. (1997): The contribution of atmospheric water vapour to the formation of a spider's capture web. In: Heimer S. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 17th European Colloquium of Arachnology. Oxford Press, London, pp. 35-46.

NATURA SLOVENIAE publishes original papers in Slovene and English which contribute to the understanding of the natural history of Central and Southeast Europe. Papers may be submitted as Scientific Papers, Short Communications or Field Notes.

Scientific Paper is a complete description of the original research including theoretical review, research area, methods, detailed presentation of the results obtained and discussion, conclusions and references. The length of the Scientific Paper may not exceed twenty pages.
Short Communication is an original paper without detailed theoretical review. Its purpose is to introduce partial or preliminary results of the research. The length of the Short Communication may not exceed five pages.
Field Note is a short report on interesting faunistical or botanical findings or observations. The lehgth of the Field Note may not exceed three pages.

All papers will be subject to peer review by one referee. Authors are invited to suggest the names of referees, although the editor reserves the right to elect an alternative referee to those suggested. The reviewed paper should be corrected by author or authors themselves. In the case of the rejection, the original materials will be sent back to the corresponding author with the editors explanation.

The submitted papers should not have been previously published and should not be simulatenously submiteed or published elsewhere (in other journals, bulletins or congress publications). By submitting a paper, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication.

Papers should be submitted to NATURA SLOVENIAE, Department of Biology, University of Ljubljana Večna pot 111, SI-1111 Ljubljana, Slovenia (telephone: +386 (0) 1 423 33 88, fax: +386 (0) 1 273 390, E-mail: ).

Papers should be written with Word for Windows using "Times New Roman CE" size 12 font, align left and margins of 3 cm on A4 pages. Double spacing should be used between lines and paragraphs should be separated with a single empty line. The title and chapters should be written bold in font size 14. The latin names of all genera and species must be written italic. All submissions should be sent to the editor in the appropriate electronic version on diskette, CD or via e-mail in Rich text format (.rtf) or Word document (.doc) format.

Title of paper should be informative, understandable, and concise. The title should be followed by the name(s) and full adress(es) of the author(s), including E-mail adresse(s).

Abstract must give concize information about the objectives, methods used, results and the conclusions. The abstract length should not exceed 200 words for "Scientific Papers" and 100 words for "Short Communications". There should be no more than ten keywords which must accurately reflect the field of research covered in the paper. Field notice does not include abstract and keywords. Author(s) should check the last issue of Natura Sloveniae when preparing the manuscript.

Papers should not exceed a total of ten illustrations and/or tabels, with their positon amongst the text clearly indicated by the author(s). Tables with their legends should be submitted on separate pages. Titles of tables should appear above them, and titles of illustrations and photographs below. Illustrations and tables should be cited shortly in the text (Tab. 1 or Tabs. 1-2, Fig. 1 or Figs. 1-2).

References should be cited in the text as follows: a single author is cited, as Schultz (1987) or (Schultz 1987); two authors would be (Parry & Brown 1959); if a work of three or more authors is cited, (Lubin et al. 1978); and if the reference appears in several works, (Ward 1991, Pace 1992, Amman 1998). If several works by the same author published in the same year are cited, the individual works are indicated with the added letters a, b, c, etc. (Lucas 1988a, b). The literature should be arranged in alphabetical order.

Examples (use the the following forms):

  • articles from journals:
    Schultz J.W. (1987): The origin of the spinning aparatures in spiders. Biol. Rev. 62: 123-134.
    Parry D.A., Brown R.H.J. (1959): The hydraulic mechanysm of the spider leg. J. exp. Biol. 36: 654-657.
    Lubin Y.D., Eberhard W.G., Montgomery G.G. (1978): Webs of Miagrammopes (Araneae: Araneaidae) in the neotropics. Psyche 85: 1-13.
    Lucas S. (1988a): Spiders in Brasil. Toxicon 26(2): 759-766.
    Lucas S. (1988b): Spiders and their silks. Discovery 25: 1-4.
  • for books, chapters from books, reports, and congress anthologies:
    Foelix R.F. (1996): Biology of spiders, 2. edition. Harvard University Press, London, pp. 155-162.
    Nentwig W., Heimer S. (1987): Ecological aspects of spider webs. In: Nentwig W. (Ed.), Ecophysiology of Spiders. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 211 pp.
    Edmonds D.T. (1997): The contribution of atmospheric water vapour to the formation of a spider's capture web. In: Heimer S. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 17th European Colloquium of Arachnology. Oxford Press, London, pp. 35-46.